C/C++ Users Group Library 1996 July
C-C++ Users Group Library July 1996.iso
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97 lines
/* Special Raw console I/O for BDSC Steve Ward 1/81
* Provides a reasonably flexible, device-independent interface:
* ch = getchar() Read a character
* putchar(ch) write a character
* kbhit() true iff input character waiting
* old = TTYMode(m) Sets tty mode bits to m, returning old
* value. Mode bits:
* 1 Echo mode: chars echoed as read.
* 2 Quit: ^C causes an exit.
* 4 Flow: ^S, ^Q flow control.
* 8 Strip: input characters stripped to 7 bits.
* 16 Expand: expand \n, \t on output.
* Hence for REALLY raw I/O, do TTYMode(0).
* NOTE: Program using CIO.C are NOT PORTABLE to systems lacking a C compiler!
* If you really must use CIO, then compile this once (to get CIO.CRL)
* and link your programs by saying:
* A>clink main <other CRL files> DEFF CIO <cr>
#include "bdscio.h" /* Make sure BDSCIO.H has been
customized for your system! */
/* Device-specific definitions... Input status flag: */
#define ISTAT ((CIMASK & inp(CSTAT)) == (CAHI ? CIMASK : 0))
/* character output status: */
#define OSTAT ((COMASK & inp(CSTAT)) == (CAHI ? COMASK : 0))
/* Internal static definitions. */
#define Freeze (static[1]) /* true if output frozen (^S) */
#define Pending (static[2]) /* true if input char waiting */
#define PendCh (static[3]) /* the pending input char */
#define Mode (static[4]) /* input mode bits: */
#define M_echo 1 /* echo mode bit */
#define M_quit 2 /* ^C (quit) mode bit */
#define M_flow 4 /* ^S/^Q flow control */
#define M_strip 8 /* strip to 7-bits */
#define M_expan 16 /* Expand \n on output. */
#define QuitC (static[5])
putchar(c) { rawio(1, c); }
getchar() { return rawio(2); }
kbhit() { return rawio(3); }
TTYMode(mode) { return rawio(4, mode); } /* set mode bits, returns prev. */
rawio(key, arg)
{ char ch, *static, mode;
static = "Nonsense!";
if (*static == 'N') /* Initialization ... */
{ *static = Freeze = Pending = 0;
Mode = M_echo | M_quit | M_flow | M_strip | M_expan;
QuitC = 3; }
Again: if (ISTAT) /* check for input pending. */
{ ch = inp(CDATA);
if ((mode=Mode) & M_strip) ch &= 0x7F;
if ((mode & M_quit) && (ch == QuitC)) exit();
else if (mode & M_flow)
{ if (ch == ('S'-64)) { Freeze=1; goto brk; }
if (ch == ('Q'-64)) { Freeze=0; goto brk; }}
if (!Pending)
{ Pending = 1;
PendCh = ch;
if (mode & M_echo) outp(CDATA, ch); }}
brk: switch(key)
{ case 0: return;
case 1: if (Freeze || !OSTAT) goto Again; /* putchar(arg) */
outp(CDATA, arg);
if ((arg == '\n') && (Mode & M_expan))
return arg;
case 2: if (!Pending) goto Again;
Pending = 0; return PendCh;
case 3: return Pending;
case 4: mode = Mode; Mode = arg;
if (!(arg & M_flow)) Freeze = 0;
return mode;
default: return;